Create & share a biography for your most treasured belongings
Take some photos, tell it's story, and add a Biografi tag to it - then anyone can learn about it.
Create your account now
What are your most special items?
Biografi can be used for any item - but what comes to mind as your most treasured belongings? They're not necessarily your most expensive items,
but these could include a trip memento, a special painting, maybe a family gift, or even a piece of furniture.
Like Wikipedia meets Instagram - but for items - let Biografi share their unique history and why they are so important to you.
Why use Biografi
It's your story
Add pictures, Youtube videos, Instagram posts, Tweets to share it's special moments - maybe where it came from, how it was made,
a celeb cameo, or how it got to be yours.
Gift with meaning
Are you looking to gift something special? You can increase its value by telling good stories about it and explaining why it is so important.
Show authenticity
Was the item custom-made by an artist? Or would you like to provide proof of the item's authenticity? Users giving testimonials can link
their social accounts to verify that they are the ones truly discussing the object.
Let others who have had essential engagements with the item share their experiences and memories with everyone.
Every item has a soul.
We express ourselves through our possessions, and many of our most prized belongings have amazing stories to share. These stories should be told and celebrated.
Login with social media or create an account to get started - it's 100% free.
2. Take pictures
2 mins
Take or upload pictures of your item. These can be current pictures or a special moment in the past. The more pictures you provide, the better.
3. Describe your item
3 mins
Tell everyone about your item. Tell us its history, why it's imporant to you and whatever you think is relevant. Feel free
to add links of Tweets, Instagram posts, or even Youtube videos - these will be embedded in the description automatically.
4. Add Biografi tag
5-10 mins
Now you have to add the Biografi QR code to your item. There are various ways of doing this: from using your printer using our
template, using a label printer, or even requesting free QR tags (special promotions) directly from us.
You can also use NFC tags.
Are you an artist?
Learn how you can use Biografi as an artist.
Featured items
Jacob Stainer Violin
Twenty years ago my late grandfather asked for my help to se ...
Ilha Grande Artwork
Artwork created from pieces of pottery found at the beach in ...
Stories are a communal currency of humanity.
- Tahir Shah
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